The Hillcrest farmers’ market moved in closer to our church and so we had to change our service time to 9:30 a.m. because there is some parking available at this hour. So, on Sunday mornings I do art exhibits out in front of the church along with our coffee cart and prayer booth. I enjoy meeting all kinds of people who come by and the smell of food coming my way since the food court of the market is right near. My church, Hope Restored Church is open during the market time for free restrooms, and a place to meditate or cool off. Many people are in need of spiritual guidance, and need our connection and we have a great team of people who serve the community this way. I enjoy seeing people uplifted from my artwork. What a joy it is to serve this way on Sunday mornings! I never dreamed I would be doing art shows on Sunday morning, but, the farmers market started branching out all along the street and we are surrounded by it and found that this is the best way to do Sunday mornings.