I had surgery again on my back Dec. 15, 2010 (the first one was on July 7, 2010). It was near Christmas time and my husband hates to shop and never knows what to get me! Somehow he remembered me talking about my favorite dark chocolate truffles and went out of his way to get them, of all places, at a health food store where he would never go to shop for himself! I’m in the hospital and can’t go to the store and so it was very special of him to go to Whole Foods store where they sell the best truffles I have ever had, um, yum! The thing about it is, they only stock these particular truffles at Christmas time and when they run out of them, you won’t see any more of them in the store until the next December, and they run out of them very quickly and no other stores in San Diego carry them.
My husband was so sweet to come in the hospital to see me a lot and bring me my favorite chocolate, and that was what he wanted to get me for Christmas. I didn’t want to share these chocolates with any of the nurses or with any visitors!
In a few days I got to go home and so everything I had was bagged up and then put away when I got home. I usually stash my chocolate in the hutch, on the left side of the dining room, and forgot that I put this batch on the right side of the hutch. It is a built-in hutch with two sections to it. I sit in front of the left side of the hutch where I have my laptop computer.
I forgot where I put the box of truffles! We searched off and on for a few months and couldn’t find them! I knew I couldn’t have put them up high or down low anywhere in the house because I was kind of disabled after having surgery, so they had to be somewhere in a middle area. I thought maybe I left them at the hospital, and I even rechecked my bags I brought home from the hospital and I just couldn’t even remember where in the world I put them, so my sweet husband went back to Whole Foods to get some more and surprised me! Whole Foods is in Hillcrest and not near where we live, so he really went out of his way!
One day I needed to go to my hutch and see about a certain tea cup that I wanted to use, and lo and behold… I couldn’t believe it! There was the box of truffles!!!! Oh how divine! They have been right there for 3 months, right behind where I sit at my computer!!! Well, with the divider post in the middle of the two doors of the hutch they were kind of hidden from the main view.
Ho hum! I’m enjoying my chocolate! This is really great chocolate and it only takes two little pieces to “set” me and I need no more for the day! In this picture you can see some of my blue flower pieces, I love forget-me-not flowers and that is what I love to collect, anything with little blue flowers on it.