While I lived in LA. I was at a watercolor workshop and the demonstrator had the best easel for watercolors. He even had a picture of it in his book which I don’t remember the name of it. I didn’t know where to buy an easel like that, so while in art stores I would ask about it from New Orleans (Dixie Art Supply), and even while I was in Missouri visiting I would try to look for one in the art stores there, and no such thing and nothing in their catalogs like it, at least I had a picture of it.
In 1982 we moved back to California and there were watercolor classes available everywhere and I was in one at Balboa Park. Right next to where I was sitting the artist next to me had one!!! I jump up with glee and asked, ‘where did you get that easel?’ It was made by a man whose house I passed by everyday on Mt. Helix and I didn’t even know it! I understand that he never got a patent on this easel, made them by hand and I got one as a gift from my husband.