There are so many things to do for the next painting…
I have so many resources, and ideas, it’s like what should I do next? Well, I could just draw straws (no, I don’t have an interest in drawing what straws look like, heh, heh! Perhaps I could pick out something blind-folded and go for it! Well, the best thing would be to do what is fresh on the list.
For many years I have been wanting to do this particular castle-like place that we see on our way home from the San Bernardino mountains, on the 215 freeway, but never have time to pull off the road and find the way to it, but finally, in 2008′ my husband had some spare time to drive up to the place that sits on a hill and I got some terrific photos of it, and of course, I’m curious about it and I wonder who lives there and the history of this unusual looking place in Perris, CA.

Someday I will get around to painting this particular scene of this rock house that seems so strange. The problem is, I don’t have enough time in my life to do all there is to do on my list! This says, I will never run out of subjects to paint. I wrote about this story and took these pics in year 2008, that means I far behind with some of my ideas for paintings. Oh dear! It is now 2012!